Safe Ride
Bicycle Lane Coating
Safe Ride is primarily designed for bicycle lanes on asphalt streets and roads. Safe Ride provides a Safe Zone for bicyclists on city streets and other high traffic roadways.
- Highly Durable 100% Acrylic Crosslinking Polymer Technology
- Single Component Ready to Apply Coating
- Bright Green Color Provides a Safe Zone for Bicyclists
- Meets MUTCD Color Recommendations for Bike Lane Green
Sizes Available
5 Gallon Pail
Safe Ride Bicycle Lane Coating is a 100% Acrylic Self-Crosslinking Polymer Emulsion designed as a highly durable pavement color coating. Safe Ride is fortified with specifically graded aggregate providing a textured surface for slip-resistance and added durability. Safe Ride meets the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requirements for Green color night time and day time chromaticity ratings. Safe Ride is a single component ready-to-apply product.
Apply a minimum of two coats. Apply at a rate of 50 square feet per gallon per coat. A third coat shall be applied in high wear/high traffic areas including intersections and cross walks. Allow material to dry between coats.
Surface Preparation
Surface must be clean from all oils, grease, loose materials, dirt and dust.
Mixing Procedures
Safe Ride is ready to use. Stir material thoroughly before applying.
Apply Safe Ride by spray, brush or roller. If applying by spray, be sure to use an OSHA approved respirator for applying water based acrylic paints and coatings.
Temperature must be a minimum of 50° F both during application and for a period of 24 hours after application. Do not apply if rain is imminent or forecast.
Clean Up
Wash tools in water. Use proper cleaner if material has dried.
Unit Size | Unit Weight |
5 Gallon Pail | 72 lbs. |
Spec Sheet (PDF) – English | Spanish
Engineering Spec
Product Brochure

Safe Ride Application Kit
Provides a fast, simple and easy method for applying Safe Ride Bike Lane Paint
The Kit Includes:
- 24″, 36″, 48″ and 60″ brush box frames with brushes
- Water boxes
- Weights
- Handle that fits all brush box frame sizes
- Two flexible plastic brush trasfer slides (allows you to cross intersections with no drips).