Tools & Accessories
SealMaster is your single source for all of your hand-held squeegees and brushes to crack filling pour pots, asphalt lutes and more.
Call (800) 395-7325 for the SealMaster nearest you!
Tools & Accessories

- Edging Brush
- Wood Sealer Applicator Brush
- Aluminum Brush
- Drag Strip Machine Brush

- Sealcoating Squeegee
- Lightweight Aluminum Squeegee
Safe Ride Application Kit
This unique drag box assembly provides a fast, simple and easy method for applying Safe Ride bike lane paint.

Line Taping Machine & Tape
A must-have tool for striping tennis courts, basketball courts, and other surfaces where precision markings are required. Lays down strips of 1 to 2 inch wide masking tape from 1 to 4 inches wide.

Patching Straightedge
The smoothest patches ever in just one pass of the straightedge. Ideal for patching and filling low spots in tennis courts, parking lots, and driveways. Makes patching a one-man operation. Lightweight yet durable metal construction. Available in 4, 6, 8, 10 ft. widths. Includes wood handle.

Crack Filling Tools
- U-Shape, V-Shape Crackfilling Squeegees
- Crackfiller Pour Pot
- Crack Banding Machine
- Backer Rod

Hand Tools
- Asphalt Lute
- Asphalt Rake
- Heavy-Duty Hand Tamper
- Asphalt Shovels
- Pail Openers
- And more!

Chapin Sprayer
Quality hand pump sprayer designed for spraying oil spot primers, concrete sealers, curing compounds, and more. Shoulder strap and spray tip included. Holster for nozzles and extension. Available in 3 and 3.5 gallon capacities.

Measuring & Layout
- U.S. Tape DuraWheel DW-1000
- Rolatape Measuring Wheels
- Keson Measuring Wheels
- FastMeasure Distance Device

Parking Blocks & Speed Bumps
- Easy Rider Speed Bumps
- Park-It Parking Curbs
- Installation Spikes and Lag Bolt Kits
- Ideal Shield Post Sleeves

- Safety Signs
- Traffic Control Signs
- Ideal Shield Sign Base