Sealcoating Equipment | Portable Sealcoat Spray Units | Sealcoat Spray Equipment | Sealcoating Applicators | Sealcoat Spray Systems | Portable Sealcoating Machines
SealMaster portable sealcoating spray systems set the industry standard for portable sealcoat spray applicators and pump systems. SealMaster portable sealcoat spray units are available in several sizes with many options to choose from. SealMaster portable sealer spray units are designed to mix and apply pavement sealers with and without sand added. Also ideal for applying cold pour crack sealants and water base tack coat. SealMaster portable sealcoat spray systems have set the sealcoating equipment industry standards for quality, performance and durability for over 40 years.

SandPup II Portable Spray System
The SandPup’s bigger, tougher brother
SandPup II Standard Features:
- 75-foot hose and spray wand
- Dependable Low Maintenance Air-driven Dual Diaphragm Material Pump-shifts to neutral automatically when wand or spray bar is shut off. 1 ½ inch material discharge outlet
- Sprays Sealer containing sand
- 9 H.P. Honda Engine
- Basket Strainer to reduce tip clogging
- Sprays up to 50 gallons per minute
- Engine: 9 H.P. Honda
- Material Pump:
– Type: Air-operated Dual Diaphragm
– Discharge: 1 1/2″ - Air Compresser:
– SCFM: 24
– PSIG: 125 - Height: 50″
- Width: 25″
- Length: 156″
- Weight: 440 lbs.
SandPup Options:
- SandPup Crack Filler Wand Kit
- SandPup II Crack Cleaning Wand Kit

SandPup Portable Spray System
The Portable Solution for Spraying Pavement Sealer with Sand
SandPup Standard Features:
- 75-foot hose and spray wand
- Dependable Low Maintenance Air-driven Dual Diaphragm Material Pump-shifts to neutral automatically when wand is shut off. 1- inch material discharge outlet.
- Sprays sealer containing sand
- 5.5 H.P. Honda Engine
- Basket Strainer to reduce tip clogging
- Sprays up to 20 gallons per minute
- Engine: 5.5 H.P. Honda
- Material Pump:
– Type: Air-operated Dual Diaphragm
– Discharge: 1″ - Air Compresser:
– SCFM: 14.6
– PSIG: 125 - Height: 33″
- Width: 22″
- Length: 41″
- Weight: 220 lbs.
SandPup Options:
- SandPup Crack Filler Wand Kit
- SandPup II Crack Cleaning Wand Kit

The Portable Multi-Purpose Pump System
(Requires Separate Air Compressor – Minimum of 10 cfm recommended)
Drum is not included
Porta-Pump Standard Features:
- Use your own compressor- minimum 10 cfm
- 75-foot hose and spray wand
- Dependable Low Maintenance Air-driven Dual Diaphragm Material Pump-shifts to neutral automatically when wand is shut off. 1- inch material discharge outlet.
- Sprays sealer containing sand
- Fill cracks with cold-pour crack filler
- Spray Tack Coats
- Basket Strainer to reduce tip clogging
- Sprays up to 20 gallons per minute
- Includes suction hose assembly
- Width: 23″
- Length: 30″
- Weight: 114 lbs.
- Flow Rate: 20 GPM
- Pressure: 100 PSI